Halfpriced Books, the leading books supplier in Kenya was started with a motive to give the readers access to the global books market. The company endeavors to provide these books at an affordable price. We often survey our readers to find out the titles they would be interested in and use that data when sourcing books from our suppliers.

Our Story

Our Vision

To be the market leader of Pre-owned books, New Books and Stationery in East Africa.

Our Mission

We strive to promote the reading culture and combat illiteracy by making world-class titles accessible to readers and keeping the books affordable

What we really do?

Halfpriced Books believe in nurturing the reading culture from an early age and for this, we have a wide selection of titles for ECD level, preteen and teenagers.

Halfpriced Books gives back to the community and we have donated more than 50,000 books to 127 institutions that include NGOs, school libraries and community Libraries across the 47 counties in Kenya.

“Bookory are such joy ... to be cherished, handled with pleasure, read and reread and handed down to the next generation”

john smith / founder

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What Client Says

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